We're Having A...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My husband & I are so excited to announce that we're having a...
We just got back from our ultrasound and we couldn't be more thrilled!! I expected that I would be crying or laughing uncontrollably, but when we found out our baby was a boy, I just couldn't stop smiling! I'm over the moon excited today!! :)
It's so surreal to be able to finally picture what our family will look like in just 5 months! I don't even know how to put into words how different it feels knowing we'll have a little man in our lives forever. He is our darling boy, and I love him so very much already. :)
What made the entire experience even more special was that we have named our baby after my father. When I told him the news, he was speechless! I couldn't tell over the phone if he was crying (he never cries) but he was certainly emotional and just so happy for us. Its so special to know that we are adding another person not just to our little family, but to our greater family tree as well. I feel so much love around me today! 
On Monday, I mentioned in my 19 week update that we've felt strongly that we're having a boy since the beginning. I wasn't sure if I was having that feeling because I wanted a boy so badly, or if I really just knew. Everyone except me, my husband & my Dad said that they anticipated a girl, so it was really unknown! We are so happy to just have a healthy baby, and so blessed to be where we are.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting my journey documenting this pregnancy. Its been so fulfilling getting to know new people and to have a community that shares my joy!
Until next time...

xo kristen genevieve


  1. Congratulations, I'm so excited for you! Are you going to share the name of your little man? Love the first picture with the shoes by the way!

    1. Thank you!! We have chosen a name but I haven't decided when we'll share the name. I feel like its a decision my husband should be a part of. :)
      The shoes are from Carter's! They're soft soles. So cute! :)

  2. Oh, Kristen! I wish you could see the smile on my face. It's from ear to ear. Sooooooo excited for this news! I can't lie and say I am double excited since we are both having boys. So awesome! I think that is the sweetest thing that you are going to name your boy after your dad. That's so special. Doesn't feel like you know your child more now that you know the sex? It's an amazing experience we are having and it just gets better and better. We are definitely blessed! That picture you showed is adorbs =)

    1. Carmen you are too sweet!! I'm so excited that both of us are having boys! I do feel like I know him more now. Knowing makes it more real and more exciting for sure! :)


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